Events and Activities
10:00 a.m. July 26, 2009
Eighth annual George Street Bike Challenge for Major
Main and George streets Worcester, Mass.
See how fast you can pedal up George Street, a two-block quad-buster that was a training ground for 1899 world champion Major Taylor. It's one rider at a time against the clock in this steep uphill time trial in downtown Worcester, presented by Barney's Bicycle and the Seven Hills Wheelmen, on the last Sunday in July. The distance is 500 feet, and the average grade is 18 percent. The contest is open to riders age 12 and up. Helmets are required. Entry fee is $15. Proceeds benefit the Major Taylor Association, Inc.
2009 PHOTOS by Pete Banach
More 2009 photos (by Bob Jenney)
Even more 2009 photos (from Worcester Earn-A-Bike)
Another set of 2009 photos (from Richard A.)
2009 video clips (Wormtown Taxi)
2009 short video slide show (by Pete Banach)
"Remembering Major Taylor" video (Boston.com)

Bike raffle: A Fuji Newest 3.0 road bike from Barney's Bicycle and other cool prizes were raffled off. Click here to see all the prizes and winners.
To donate raffle prizes or other goods or services, contact Lynne
at info@majortaylorassociation.org
or 508-831-0301, or call Peter Howard at Barney's, 508-799-BIKE.
Where is George Street? Click here for a map.
How steep is George Street? Click here for a profile.
Photos on this page by Ed Collier/Worcester Telegram & Gazette
Special thanks to our 2009 sponsors.
In the news:
150 cyclists brave Major Taylor training route Telegram & Gazette
Cyclists prepare for an uphill battle Worcester Magazine
An uphill battle Telegram & Gazette
Major Taylor cycling jerseys, posters and books
Mail-in registration form
Printer-friendly event flier
2002-2004 results, photos, news clippings and more